Studying can be a challenge. Whether you are at the start of your studies or almost at the end: The psychological counselling service offers free advice concerning problems caused by studying as well as in personal conflict situations.
You can turn to our experienced counsellors to talk about problems such as:
- crises and disturbances in the course of your studies such as test anxiety, learning and achievement disorders
- difficulties with personal relations like family or friends
- problems ranging from loneliness and isolation with depressive moods or suicidal thoughts
- difficulties adjusting to new circumstances/culture/country
All matters are treated confidentially.
The counselling is free of charge and and where desired anonimously if you are studying or doing your Ph.D. at one one of the following universities:
Leibniz University Hannover

University of Applied Sciences and Arts


Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (TiHo)

Kommunale Hochschule für Verwaltung

Leibniz University of Applied Sciences

We kindly ask you to fill in our questionnaire and the form of consent (see below) if you havn't been here before and send it back via email, if you don't come personally.
Form of consent
Questionnaire for students
Questionnaire for employees